- Register at http://www.smspi.co.uk and get your hash.
- Log into the NAS Web UI (i.e. enter the DNS-345 IP address in a browser)
- Navigate to Management > System Management > Notifications
- Expand SMS Settings
- Check the Enable SMS Notifications checkbox
- Click Add next to SMS service provider
- Welcome: Click Next
- Step 1: Enter a name of your choice in Provider Name and copy the following URL into the SMS URLtextarea: http://www.smspi.co.uk/api/?to=Phone_number&message=Message_content&hash=what ever your hash is
- Click Next
- Step 2: Next to each URL variable, select the following options from the appropriate dropdown menus:
- user=Username = Username
- password=Password = Password
- api_id=Other = Other
- to=Phone_number = Phone number
- text=Message_content = Message content
- Click on Finish
- Enter your mobile phone number into the field next to Phone number1((to)).
- Click Test SMS and the NAS will display an affirmation message if the settings are correct and you will receive an SMS
- Click Save Settings
Mysql Backup To Dropbox
This script you will need to run once manually to link to your dropbox folder.To Run
chmod 777 backupsql.sh
Once it's confirmed working then add it to the crontab.Dropbox uploader script originally from - https://github.com/andreafabrizi/Dropbox-Uploader/
You will need to alter the following in backupsql.sh
It's set to delete files older than 5 days.You can alter this by changing the following line:
dropbox_uploader.sh delete $DROPBOXPATH/mysql_db_backup-`date +%d-%m-%y-%H --date 'now -5 days'`.bz2
For adding to the crontab you can easily use the following site to generate how often you wish for it to runhttp://www.easycron.com/generator/crontab
All should be easy to work out.
Any issues please email me txt3rob@gmail.com