Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How-To: Pi with TightVNC and Fing for Network Monitoring

Follow the below steps to setup and configure your Raspberry Pi as a network sentinel with Fing (aka Fingbox or Overloook Fing) and to install/configure TightVNC so you can access your Pi remotely from the network. The below steps (mainly the raspi-config section) apply to users in U.S.A. in the EST timezone, but will work for you as long as you change the "Internationalisation Options" to match your location.

How to Setup a Raspberry Pi with TightVNC and Fing to Monitor a Network

1. Using a SD card with NOOBS, Install the Raspbian OS

Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)1. Expand the File System
2. Enable Boot to Desktop
3. Internationalisation Options:
a. Change Locale to: en_US ISO-8859-1, en_US
b. Change Timezone to: US, Eastern
c. Change Keyboard Layout to: Generic 104-key PC, Other, English (US), English (US), The default..., No compose key, No
4. Advanced Options
a. Change Hostname
b. Enable SSH
c. Update
5. Finished
6. Reboot the Pi Now? YES

Install and Configure Tight VNC Server
1. Launch LXTerminal
2. Type: sudo apt-get update
3. Type: sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
4. Say YES to continue
5. Type: vncserver :1
6. Set the VNC password
7. Say NO to view-only password
8. Type: cd /home/pi
9. Type: cd .config
10. Type: mkdir autostart
11. Type: cd autostart
12. Type: nano tightvnc.desktop
13. Enter the following lines:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=vncserver :1
14. Press Ctrl-X, then Y, then Enter to Save and Exit
15. Close LXTerminal

Install and Configure Fing
1. Launch NetSurfer Web Browser
2. Go to: http://www.overlooksoft.com/getfing4arm
3. Click the DEB Package for ARM link to download the file, click Save, close the web browser
4. Close NetSurfer Web Browser
5. Launch LXTerminal
6. Type: sudo dpkg -i overlook-fing-2.2.deb
7. Type: sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
8. Say YES to continue
9. Type: sudo fing --interactive
10. Type F to setup your Fingbox account
11. Launch File Manager
12. Click on Tools, then Open Current Folder as Root
13. Go to: /usr/lib/fing/int.d and COPY fingbox-sentinel.raspberry and fingbox-sentinel
14. Go to: /etc/int.d and PASTE fingbox-sentinel.raspberry and fingbox-sentinel
15. Close File Manager
16. Launch LX Terminal
17. Type: sudo apt-get install chkconfig
18. Type: sudo chkconfig --add fingbox-sentinel
19. Type: sudo chkconfig --add fingbox-sentinel.raspberry

Reboot the Pi and verify:
1. You can access the Pi via VNC (IP address + :1)
2. Fingbox is running (check fingbox.com for your newly added network monitor to show up)

Taken from http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=50698
Post by MrSamNC

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